Female aviation students from Waterloo Region receive Captain Judy Cameron Scholarships

Two female students from Waterloo region will be soaring to new heights in their education after winning a new aviation scholarship.

Yasna Taieb and Urooji Ali are aviation students at Conestoga College and the University of Waterloo who will both receive $5,000 from the 2020 Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship.

Launched in September 2019 by not-for-profit Northern Lights Aero Foundation and Air Canada, the scholarship will offer $20,000 a year for up to three years to young woman in aviation and aerospace. 


President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Canada, Calin Rovinescu, says the program aims to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women within these industries, helping them overcome financial barriers to pursue their dreams.

“We are especially thrilled to champion the next generation of women in non-traditional aviation careers by announcing the winners of the Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship, named in honour of our trail-blazing, accomplished first female pilot.” said Rovinescu in the release.

“Our message to young women is to follow your aviation dreams and know there are rewarding careers for all qualified people.” 

Taieb and Ali are two of four women who were honoured on March 6 with this award during Women of Aviation Worldwide Week, which leads up to International Women's Day 2020.

According to the Northern Lights Aero Foundation, all four women who chosen for this scholarship are planning to pursue their pilot's licence.


“I admire the determination that these four amazing young women have to pursue their flying. Their accomplishments to date are outstanding.” said Judy Cameron, a pilot, in the release. 

“One day, I expect to be a passenger on an Air Canada airplane and hear them make the announcement, 'This is your Captain speaking'.” 

For more about the Captain Judy Cameron scholarship, go to northernlightsaerofoundation.com.