Relief fund established for displaced market vendors
Posted Sep 11, 2013 11:29:41 AM.
This article is more than 5 years old.
It didn’t take long for community leaders to step up to the plate to help vendors displaced by the fire at the St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market.
A number of partners have rallied together to create a relief fund at the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation. CEO Rosemary Smith tells 570 News she is honoured to be the conduit to getting financial help to the vendors.
“It was community who stepped up, so the Barnraiser’s Council, the Township of Woolwich, regional community members, members of the St. Jacobs Farmer’s Market family themselves have come and have really cared about doing this.” Other community members who helped establish the fund are Home Hardware and Mercedes Corporation.
Smith says the first priority is determining the financial need. “There will be a meeting being held to invite the vendors in and have them talk about what their losses have been, what there need is, where they need help the most.”
Smith says the loss of the market is a loss for the entire community. “So how do we come together and support our friends, our neighbours, our family members perhaps who suffered this loss and how do we help them over the hump to get them ready to get up and do business again because that business benefits us all.”
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