Ukrainian community gathers in solidarity on Ukraine’s Independence Day

By Jonathan Strom

The Ukrainian community, and supporters came together outside city hall in Kitchener today on Ukraine's Independence Day.

The day also marks six months since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Ukraine's flag was raised as a part of an emotional ceremony, to fly beside Canada's in a show of solidarity. 

Ivan Jaworsky, a political science professor at the University of Waterloo, spoke to the crowd before the ceremony.

“[The flag] stands for Ukraine's independence, Ukraine's right to determine its own future,” Jaworsky said. “And, at this tragic time when Ukraine is at war, it thus also stands for opposition to invasion.”

The large crowd sang the Ukrainian national anthem as children raised the flag. 

Ivanka, one of the attendees at the event, explained why the ceremony was important. 

“It helps the world to see that Ukraine is still supported, that Ukrainians are united together, and we are an independent nation,” she said. 

Lillya was also in the crowd, she arrived in Waterloo Region four months ago, and said the day was emotional for her, and her family.

“I really hope my kids will be able to go back to their beautiful, independent and free country,” she said. “We are here today to support the raising of the Ukrainian flag, and show that we stand strong.”

Following the ceremony, the crowd formed a human chain in a show of unity on their way to the front of city hall. 


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