Metrolinx to adjust GO Transit schedules amid staffing shortages
Posted Jan 6, 2022 11:00:00 PM.
Metrolinx has announced a reduction in transit services across Southern Ontario, as a result of significant staffing shortages due to the recent surge of COVID-19 infections in the province.
“We have developed a temporary schedule that is reduced service to ensure that we can provide a reliable, dependable service for customers,” said Anne Marie Aikins, the Chief Spokesperson for Metrolinx.
“Absenteeism is at about 30 per cent in some departments,” added Aikins. “We're expecting that number to rise.”
Aikins said throughout the holidays, about 10 to 30 trains were being cancelled per day out of approximately 500, as Metrolinx realized a proactive approach was needed to manage both the workload and customer service.
“We've made a standard 15 per cent cut across the board, including all seven lines and bus services,” confirmed Aikins. “There could be further cuts, but we're taking it day by day… see how it goes.”
Bus services will be used as fill-ins, and Aikins said were cut slightly less, as they've been managing quite well. She also indicated overall ridership has been down significantly with many people working from home.
Frontline workers will be provided with N95 masks, as well as rapid antigen tests. Metrolinx is also hosting booster clinics for all staff members. Since the requirements for scheduling a PCR test have changed in Ontario, as well as the isolation period reduced from ten days to five, Aikins said returning to work will look different for each staff member.
“We're following public health and provincial guidelines, but really taking it on a case by case basis. We really have to assess every staff member and their family's situation differently.”
Metrolinx has 5000 employees, and 1000 contracted Alstom employees to operate trains. Aikins confirmed 98 per cent of staff are fully vaccinated, with a very small percentage who have a medical exemption for vaccination. There are less than a hundred [or less than 2 per cent] staff members off on unpaid leave due to being unvaccinated. Aikins said the COVID19 vaccine continues to offer significant protection, and bringing unvaccinated staff back to work would put them at risk.
“If there's one thing we've learned, it's an unpredictable virus,” Aikins added. “You can model, you can plan, but it has its own agenda, so we're planning for the worst, but also planning for when we get out of this as well.”
The scheduling changes take affect on Monday, January 10, although riders may see sporadic cancellations before then as well.
Here are the direct changes to the Kitchener GO Station on Weber Street West.
o During the morning and afternoon rush hours, express trips will be converted to serve all stops along the line.
o During the morning and afternoon rush hours, trains will run every 30 to 45 minutes between Georgetown GO and Union Station and approximately every hour between Kitchener GO and Union Station.
o The 5:20 a.m. eastbound departure from London VIA will depart 7 minutes later, at 5:27 a.m., and make all stops to Union Station, arriving at 9:28 a.m. The 4:19 p.m. departure from Union Station to London VIA will depart 15 minutes later, at 4:34 p.m. and make all stops to London, arriving at 8:39 p.m.
o During the midday and evening, trains will run every hour between Union Station and Mount Pleasant GO. GO Bus service will be adjusted to connect with the changing Kitchener line trains.
o The 10:34 p.m. train to Guelph GO will be cancelled. The last westbound train of the evening will depart at 9:34 p.m., making all stops to Kitchener GO.
Starting January 10, we are adjusting schedules and reducing #GOtrain service due to COVID-19 related staffing shortages. Visit our website to learn more.
— Kitchener Train (@GOtransitKT) January 6, 2022