Blair Village residents voiced concerns over warehouse development during public meeting

By Tim Herd

On Thursday evening, a public meeting was held over Zoom by Broccolini real estate Group to address concerns over a warehouse development set for Blair Village. 

The public meeting started with a presentation then went into a question and answer period, and many residents sent in questions, some got answered, others were missed. 

One topic residents had was the concern over heritage, and how the development fits with the Blair Village Conservation Plan. 

Chirs Pidgeon, a planning consultant at GSP Group, led the meeting, and addressed those heritage concerns, and mentioned the development is a clean and environmentally sustainable business operation. 

“With great economic development benefits for the city and region, it strikes in our opinion a balance that is anticipated by the heritage conservation district plan.” 

Meantime, other residents asked about transportation, traffic flow, and emergency access, and how it would change for the area. 

Jim Mallett, president, and chief executive officer at Paradigm Transportation Solutions took several of those questions and mentioned the developer has proposed a three-legged roundabout at Dickie Settlement Road and Old Mill Road. 

“The three-legged roundabout intends to eliminate day-to-day traffic to the east, but the plan is … to have break-away bollards on that leg of the roundabout if fire and emergency access needed to either enter from the west off of Dickie Settlement Road or leave, (and) those bollards would be knocked down by the emergency equipment.” 

Other major concerns residents addressed were about water and stormwater management as there are several nearby wells. 

Chelsea Hiebert, designer at MTE Consultants added the warehouse is designed to infiltrate the majority of the rooftop run-off during all frequent storm events. 

“So that we are recharging the groundwater, and we'll be increasing the quantity in the post-development over the pre-development condition, thereby further recharging the groundwater table.”


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