GO Train doors to close 1 minute early starting Monday

By CityNews Staff

If you’re used to running for the GO Train you may have to run a little faster as Metrolinx makes a minor tweak to its schedule.

Starting Monday, the doors on GO Trains will close one minute before the stated departure time, a move Metrolinx says will help keep trains running on time.

Metrolinx says the change will not impact UP Express or GO buses.

While the provincial transit agency says it has been communicating the change to customers via the public address system, alerts and on-train announcements since Jan. 2, the news could be an unwelcome surprise to more casual commuters and those who are likely wrapping up their Christmas holidays and have had the last week off.

“I think they should have that minute deducted from the time they show on the boards as well so people don’t have that confusion, that they still have one minute,” one commuter tells CityNews.

“My watch is actually 10 minutes forward because I always miss things so it’s all good,” said another.

Metrolinx says they will be closely monitoring customer feedback on the change.

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