Woolwich 2025 budget aims for growth while focusing on affordability

By Justine Fraser

People living in Woolwich Township will see their property tax bill jump up slightly every month, as the municipality plans to tack on about $9.66 to the average home.

The 2025 budget was passed this week with a plan for growth and a focus on delivering core services consistently.

In a media release, Woolwich’s Mayor, Sandy Shantz, says the 2025 blueprint shows their commitment to affordability for residents while anticipating increased service demands.

“Woolwich Township is one of the fastest growing communities in Waterloo Region,” she said.

The budget that was passed includes multi-million-dollar investments into road repairs and bridges inside the town with $525,000 going to municipal facilities to “address ageing infrastructure.”

It also plans for “uninterrupted delivery of essential services” like a resident’s water supply or snow removal on streets.

In the media release, staff for Woolwich Township point to rising costs and increased demands as the need to raise tax rates, saying theirs is among the lowest of their comparators.

“It ensures that as Woolwich grows, we can meet the needs of today while creating a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable future,” said Shantz.

The budget also plans to build back the township’s reserve funds to keep them ready for future grant opportunities. Additional resources will be implemented for volunteer firefighters within the township, including training support and new equipment.

The township plans to attract businesses and create jobs by funding initiatives through the 2025 budget as well.

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