GRCA calling for funding boost to address homeless encampment costs

Posted Sep 30, 2024 03:11:53 PM.
Last Updated Sep 30, 2024 03:11:58 PM.
Officials with the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) say there will need to be adjustments to its funding in upcoming budgets to help cover the costs associated with homeless encampments.
At a recent GRCA board meeting, it was learned that staff at the Dumfries Conservation Area in Cambridge had identified 41 encampments since May 2023. The added staff time and clean-up costs amounted to around $83,000.
North Dumfries Mayor, GRCA Vice-Chair, Sue Foxton told The Mike Farwell Show the added costs are putting significant strain on the authority’s budget but encampments need to be dealt with, so there is no option.
“We have decided right now to have staff go back and give us a line in budget to deal with this (encampments), so we do have to set a budget for it.”
The Dumfries Conservation Area is a prime location for homeless encampments due to it’s proximity to the Cambridge Centre Mall.
Foxton says her greatest concern is fire for both those living in the encampments and for staff and people living near the park. She says there is also the issue of biohazards, things like discarded needles and human waste. The clean-up costs for those are even higher.
Foxton said homelessness is a systemic issue and there needs to a more movement from upper levels of government to address the crisis.
“Our society is in flux right now and until we get things under control, until we get housing at a reasonable cost, things are not going to get better.”
She said the GRCA will continue to work with community partners and government officials to ensure those living in the encampments are treated with dignity and empathy.
But, she points out that GRCA parks are not subject to the Ontario Superior Court ruling that requires human rights be considered when evicting homeless encampments. The ruling applies to public land and GRCA lands are privately owned.