Meet your Kitchener-Centre candidate, Green Party’s Aislinn Clancy

Posted Nov 23, 2023 08:17:07 AM.
Last Updated Nov 23, 2023 08:17:10 AM.
The Kitchener-Centre provincial byelection is in full swing, with advanced polling open, and election day Thursday, November 30.
The major party candidates include the NDP’s Debbie Chapman, Green Party Aislinn Clancy, Liberal Kelly Steiss and Conservative Rob Elliott.
Three of those candidates agreed to sit down for a chat on The Mike Farwell Show this week.
The Green Party’s Aislinn Clancy is on the ballot, noting her number one priority is affordability.
“I live really close to Weber and Victoria, I walk by and it is heart-breaking, I think all of us want to be proud of Ontario and proud Kitchener and the way we take care of each, and that affordability has made life so much harder in the last few years, and I want to fight for that.”
She also focuses on working with all parties, noting the affordability crisis can’t be tackled alone.
“We want to make sure we promote all the good work happening in the community, be a voice for that, and work across party lines. I think if you ask people in Queen’s Park, ‘who do you collaborate with most?’ and it’s Mike Schreiner. I’m proud of that, that we put people’s needs before partisan politics.”
And where will she start first?
“I like to look under every rock. Where is our money and our reserves? Are we invested in oil and gas expansion? Let’s create these opportunities with good solutions, and build relationships around the circle, to move forward with others. I think affordability is something, if you ask all the candidates, is something we all share, we all hear about, we hear it at every door.”
Clancy’s full interview on the Mike Farwell Show on Wednesday, November 22 can be heard here.
A reminder, election day is November 30.