Kitchener council votes to reduce days allowing fireworks

The City of Kitchener has officially made changes to which days fireworks are allowed and the time they can be set off.

At a meeting Monday, council approved a recommendation to reduced the days fireworks can be lit to only Victoria Day, Canada Day and Diwali.

This marks a drastic reduction as previously fireworks were permitted on the day before and after each holiday.

Speaking to CityNews 570 Kitchener Ward 7 Councilor Bil Ioannidis shared why be brought the recommendation to council in the first place.

“Some residents contacted members of council saying they we’re getting property damage from neighbours litting up fireworks, so I thought it was prudent for staff to do an overview of some of the bylaws.”

Ioannidis said when first proposed the changes his personal wish was to have neighbourhoods host fireworks at safe sites to reduce the amount being set off in backyards.

“I would like to see sanctioned events and community events where groups and organizations can go to a location and lite their fire works.”

When asked if other days such as New Years we’re being considered Ioannidis said the city plans to limit fireworks to the three days for the time being before considering any other changes.

“Let see how this year dictates and see how things work and then we can have another fulsome discussion.”

Additionally council has adjusted the bylaw so that all fireworks have to be wrapped up by 11 p.m. on the day of the celebration.

This change comes as the city saw an increase in the number of firework related complaints in years past.

The city received 58 complaints in 2018, 203 in 2021 and 170 in 2022.

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