Therapy dogs heading to The Boardwalk to comfort kids getting vaccines
Children aged five to 11 will be greeted with some friendly company at the COVID-19 vaccine clinic at The Boardwalk starting Friday.
Therapy dogs will be on site to provide emotional support to children as they receive their first dose.
The coordinator for St John Ambulance Therapy Dogs Kitchener-Waterloo said it will be a sense of diversion for children undergoing something they have never experienced before.
“The plan is before their appointment and after they have had their vaccine, children who interact with the dog. Keeping distance rules socially in place, we would have a dog available for children to visit with for a few minutes both before and after they are vaccinated,” Andy Goulden said.
Kids will have about three to five minutes before and after the appointment to be with the dogs.
Research has found that interacting with a dog for a few minutes can lower stress levels and raise your oxytocin or your “good hormone,” allowing people to feel better.
“It's like having a piece of chocolate or something pleasant happening in your life can make you feel better,” Goulden said. “Touching, even looking at a dog can help ease the stress as well.”
The organization has about ten dogs available, and all dogs are certified to be therapy dogs through St. John Ambulance.
Goulden added that the dogs are also child tested with children under 12.
Because they do have so many friendly dogs available, Goulden said they will be at The Boardwalk site for a while, and if children miss the day to get vaccinated, they can always come back the next day.