Location for new region managed outdoor shelter could present challenges

By Jonathan Strom

The Region of Waterloo is planning on opening an outdoor shelter at 1001 Erbs Road in Waterloo in early February. 

The site on Erbs Road is a 20-minute walk away from the nearest bus stop. 

Residents at the encampment at Weber and Victoria in Kitchener had not heard about the shelter. 

Jessica, a resident at the encampment said she thought it was a good idea but had concerns about the location.

“That would be very difficult, I don't why they couldn't do something within the community that's already been resourceful.”

Another resident, Robert, said he thought people would be interested as they just want housing that is affordable.

“A lot of these people have jobs,” he said. “Do you think anyone wants to be down here? No. They'd rather be somewhere warm, you want to be able to close the door and feel safe.”

Appearing on the Mike Farwell show on CityNews 570 Wednesday, Peter Sweeney, Commissioner of Community Services with the Region of Waterloo, explained part of the process for choosing the site. 

“We talked to people who are currently living in unsanctioned, unsafe encampments, and we said to them…if this was outside of the downtown core would you access it?” Sweeney said. “Not everybody said yes, but almost half said they would. For an attempt to try something new, to maybe provide some supports for people who don't currently access the existing traditional shelter system, we really think this is worth a try.”

He added that the region is committed to solving transportation issues that might arise, and that a meeting will be held in the new year for individuals to learn more, and ask questions. 

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