Local refugee task force formed

By CityNews Kitchener Staff

The Immigration Partnership (IP) Council has put together a refugee task force.

The task force held its first meeting on Monday. Members include settlement leads Reception House and YMCA Immigrant Services plus housing, education and health sector leaders. 

“Everyone plays a vital role in ensuring the success of our efforts to welcome and support refugees in settling in the region. We worked as a community to welcome many Syrian refugees in 2015/16, and we will do the same again,” Tara Bedard, executive director of Immigration Partnership, explained in a news release.

IP reports around 200 refugees from Afghanistan have arrived in Waterloo Region, plus refugees from other nations. Half have moved into their first permanent homes.

The federal government aims to welcome 40,000 Afghans to Canada.

You can learn more about the local efforts by clicking here.

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