New cricket ground to open at Kiwanis Park

Posted Jun 7, 2024 04:55:14 AM.
Last Updated Jun 7, 2024 10:51:27 AM.
Get your bats ready this summer.
Another outdoor cricket ground is set to be player-ready in the City of Kitchener on Friday.
Kiwanis Park will be home to the fourth cricket ground in the city.
The other three are located at RBJ Schlegel Park, Resurrection Park and Laurentian Park.
Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic says the new pitch is one way the city is committed to supporting a more diverse sporting community.
“Kitchener has seen exponential growth of our community’s interest in the sport of cricket, and with that we have seen a growing need for full-size cricket space to accommodate play,”
Cricket lovers and those gaining interest in the sport also have the new indoor recreation complex to look forward to at RBJ Schlegel Park, with an indoor cricket batting cage set to be featured in that facility.
That is expected to be ready by 2026.