Canadian Blood Services asking for blood donations this Canada Day

By Christine Clark

As we head into the heart of summer, Canadian Blood Services is hoping we will take some time to book an appointment and donate desperately needed blood. 

The national service points out the need for blood donations rises over the summer months, as collisions on our roadways, also see an unfortunate bump.

It can take up to 50 donors to help save someone who has been in a crash.

They add with hospitals resuming procedures that were originally put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for blood donations is now higher than ever.

As the universal donor, O-negative blood is always in need, but those with other blood types are certainly welcome and encouraged to book an appointment.

Hours at donation locations have been extended to meet the increase in demand, as well as the addition of hundreds of appointments.

You can call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or head to to book your appointment. 

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