Guelph boys ‘remorseful’ for making AI nudes of female classmates; no charges laid

Posted Jan 28, 2025 10:37:42 AM.
Last Updated Jan 28, 2025 03:00:37 PM.
The Guelph Police Service say two 15-year-old boys are “remorseful” for their actions, after allegedly using AI to make fake nude images of five female classmates.
Police were contacted about two weeks ago by the administrator of an unidentified high school who reported students were in possession of nudes of other students.
Investigators discovered two boys had taken photos from the five victims’ social media accounts, and used artificial intelligence to turn the images into nudes.
Police tell 570 NewsRadio there’s no indication the fakes were ever posted online, but were shared around with other students. It’s not known how many fake nude images were created.
Media relations coordinator for Guelph Police, Scott Tracey said there was evidence the photos had been shared. Both boys were warned that they could have been charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
“We don’t believe there are images that were created of other people that who were not aware of it. So, if other students or their parents or their families are wondering if they might have been victims as well. We do believe that we have spoken to all the people who had images created.”
A girl who recognized one of the five victims in one of those images went straight to the school administrator.
“They were shared in group chats and so on, there were other people within the school who had seen or been sent these images,” added Tracey.
Police say the boys are not being charged, as they have been fully cooperative with the investigation and expressed how sorry they are for what they did.
“The two involved males did delete the photos from their devices, and we don’t believe that they were shared or exist elsewhere,” Tracey said.
“The officer opted to use their discretion and to refer these two to an educational program at the John Howard Society, rather then proceeding with criminal charges which of course could be detrimental to two students who otherwise have been law abiding and quite remorseful for their actions.”
Police say the five victims and their families are fully aware of the investigation.
570 NewsRadio has reached out to the Wellington Catholic District School Board for further comment.