Overnight warming centre opening in Kitchener amid cold front

Posted Jan 14, 2025 12:23:41 PM.
Last Updated Jan 14, 2025 12:33:20 PM.
The Region of Waterloo and Thresholds Homes and Supports are opening an overnight warming space in Kitchener as temperatures continue to be in the minus double-digits.
The latest homelessness estimate for the region notes that 2,371 people are without a home and during frigid temperatures that could be deadly. Temperatures are hovering around -18 C on Tuesday with the cold snap to continue over the next several days.
To ensure people stay warm, the region is opening the centre at 298 Lawrence Ave. in the Victoria Hills neighbourhood of Kitchener.
It’s set to open this Friday, Jan. 17 and will operate daily from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
“In this cold weather, finding more solutions to help our most vulnerable stay safe and warm is a top priority,” Councillor Jim Erb, Chair of the Community and Health Services Committee, said in a release.
The region is looking into opening more overnight warming spaces in the community, but none have been finalized yet.
Thresholds is an agency that focuses on the well-being of people with mental health issues and aids people in finding affordable housing.