Transit improvements to be explored on Fischer-Hallman
Posted Nov 29, 2024 04:49:45 AM.
Last Updated Nov 29, 2024 11:00:34 AM.
How could public transit be improved on Fischer-Hallman Road? Should more dedicated bus lanes be installed?
The Region of Waterloo wants to know and is starting the process of a transit priority study in the area.
The stretch of Fischer-Hallman under question spans from New Dundee Road in south Kitchener, all the way to Westmount Road in Waterloo, when Fischer-Hallman transitions to Bearinger Road.
Sixteen Grand River Transit buses currently drive along or through that area.
The region is also looking to explore more options for cyclists and pedestrians through the nearly 17 kilometre stretch.
An online meeting will go through where the roadway is at right now, the process of making any changes, and how those changes could become a reality.
The project’s EngageWR page describes transit priority measures (TPM) as, “physical, regulatory, and technological changes that reduce transit delays, helping travellers get where they’re going faster and more reliably. TPMs include a variety of improvements, ranging from changes to signage and traffic signals to the addition of dedicated bus lanes.”
The first chance to have a say is this coming Dec. 3 at 7 p.m.