Healing of the Seven Generations to unveil new bus wrap design

Posted Sep 27, 2024 05:56:43 AM.
Last Updated Sep 27, 2024 11:08:48 AM.
A new design for the Every Child Matters Grand River Transit (GRT) bus wrap is set to be unveiled on Monday.
The Healing of the Seven Generations will be hosting the reveal starting at 9:30 a.m. at its location at 300 Frederick St. in Kitchener.
Donna Dubie, the executive director of the organization, said the group is still trying to get a second GRT bus wrap for a bus for Cambridge but has not gained much movement. The online petition has only received just over 300 signatures.
“So I don’t think the region or the Grand River Transit is going to think that it’s enough concern from the people in the region to want to keep the first wrap,” said Dubie. “So my fear is that the first wrap will be taken off and we will only have one bus.”
Dubie said the petition is still online and they will continue to push for a second GRT bus wrap, adding the community needs to step up if they want to see a second wrap come to fruition.
“It was the community at the time that reached out to the region and GRT and said they wanted the wrap on for a full year,” said Dubie. ‘So I know that people in the community can do it and support us.”
After the unveiling, the group will be hosting the Every Child Matters walk from their location to Victoria Park to “spread awareness and reflect on the tragedies experienced by Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island from residential school systems.”
The walk will begin at 10 a.m.