Regional police ready for back to class keeping a close eye on school zones

It’s been a bit of a false start to the school year with a P.D. day on day one.

But that all changes tomorrow when the kids return the classroom in earnest.

Waterloo Regional Police will be out in force with a noticeable presence in school zones and on the bus routes, just to make sure everyone is on their best behavior. It’s a yearly thing, as people settle into the new routine.

The hope is the added police visibility will make sure drivers are obeying the rules of the road and complying with posted signs.

Staff Sergeant Scott Griffiths with Regional Police told The Mike Farwell Show one area they will be focusing on is school bus safety.

“Please be respectful of the school buses work, because it’s an incredibly difficult job to manage your children and the traffic around you,” he said. “We have a bus watch system. School bus drivers, citizens, members of the public can report violations to us and they will be investigated. If charges are applicable and reasonable, we will be laying those charges.”

According to the province, fines for not stopping for a school bus with its lights activated range between $400 and $2,000 and six demerit points for a first offence. A second conviction within a five year period could lead to fines ranging from $1,000 to $4,000 and six demerit points. People could also go to jail for up to six months.

Griffith also said drivers need to pay close attention to crosswalks.

“Be extra cautious at intersections because have little ones crossing. Sometimes with crossing guards sometimes without.”

Just a reminder, the speed limit in school zones in Waterloo Region is 40 km/h unless otherwise posted.

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