Waterloo welcoming back university students for move-in weekend

Posted Aug 29, 2024 02:11:11 PM.
Last Updated Aug 30, 2024 12:33:31 PM.
It’s going to be a bustling few days in the university district of Waterloo as thousands of students move in throughout the weekend.
New and returning post-secondary students started unpacking boxes in their residences as of Thursday. That means it’s going to be very busy around campuses and student housing heading into next week.
There’s going to be temporary traffic re-direction and restrictions on certain Waterloo streets beginning Friday to try to mitigate the impacts.
“Residents should be aware of road closures and redirections around the university residences and nearby streets,” reads a notice from the City of Waterloo. “Our goal during this busy time is to ease congestion in the affected areas and we ask residents to please be patient as they travel throughout the city.”
The city is also hosting Waterloo Fest at Waterloo Public Square on Wednesday, Sept. 4 to help connect students with community resources and social organizations, along with local businesses.
A list of the traffic impacts scheduled for Friday, Aug. 30 from 7 a.m. to Sunday, Sept. 1 at 6 p.m. can be found below.
- Bricker Avenue: No right turns to Albert Street.
- Ezra Avenue: No left turns from Ezra Avenue to Albert Street.
- Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) Entrance, across from Hazel Street: No left turns from University Avenue West to Wilfrid Laurier University entrance.
- Lester Street: Lester Street will be one-way, northbound traffic only, from Seagram Drive to University Avenue West. No access to Lester Street, south from University Avenue West. No left turns onto University Avenue West from Lester Street.
- Sunview Street: No left turns from University Avenue West to Sunview Street.
- Seagram Drive: Road closed, move-in traffic only.
- Wilfrid Laurier University Science Building parking lot exit, across from 200 King Street N: No left turns from parking lot exit to King Street N.
- No parking: Lester Street from Seagram Drive to University Avenue, Ezra Avenue from Clayfield Avenue to King Street, Bricker Avenue from Clayfield Avenue to King Street, Marshall Street from Brighton Street to Regina Street, Regina Street from Hickory Street to University Avenue.