Waterloo cat breeder had large amount of animals removed from property

By Justine Fraser

A woman in Waterloo breeding cats had more then 30 animals removed from her property back in December when Animal Welfare Services (AWS) investigated.

They found that a number of cats and one dog named Spud were found to be underweight, have matted coats, living in unsanitary conditions and in need of ongoing medical care.

While the animals were staying at two different sites, six kittens were born.

AWS provided strict orders to the woman as part of the conditions that the animals would be returned. The woman had to take action to care for the animals diet, litter, grooming and veterinary care with timelines.

They did an inspection following that which determined she was following those orders. Upon another inspection March 25 they found the poor living conditions had returned.

In the document from July 18, an inspector for AWS testified that the litterboxes were soiled, there was inadequate food and water, including a lack of gastro food that was recommended by veterinarians and a lack of overall care for the animals.

The woman who owns the breeder in Waterloo has tried to appeal several of the orders given. All of which were upheld by a Tribunal decision except one that required the woman to create daily logs tracking the cats’ care. It was deemed that she was the sole caretaker of 40 animals, and it would not be possible for the cattery owner to do that.

A spokesperson for AWS told 570 NewsRadio, there continue to be ongoing proceedings about the case.

Violating animal welfare laws could land someone in Ontario in jail for up to two-years, a fine of up to $130,000, a lifetime ban on animal ownership and other penalties.

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