Dump truck hits pedestrian bridge under construction near QEW in Mississauga; highway reopens
Posted Jun 11, 2024 09:08:32 AM.
Last Updated Jun 11, 2024 01:52:30 PM.
A stretch of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) in Mississauga has reopened after a dump truck struck a pedestrian bridge under construction during the Tuesday morning rush hour.
The crash happened on the North Service Road west of Stanfield Road, between Dixie and Cawthra roads, just before 8 a.m.
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) tell 680 NewsRadio Toronto the dump truck had its rear box up when it struck the bridge being built over the QEW, causing damage to the overpass.
No injuries were reported.
Chopper 680 reports the entire bridge seems to have shifted and there were concerns about the bridge’s stability.
“There is wood debris all over the on the roadway where the dump truck hit it. The bridge has shifted over, this does not look stable at all,” said airborne traffic reporter Jordan Kerr.

As a result, police closed the QEW in both directions between Cawthra and Dixie. The OPP said the closure was expected last until around 2 p.m. but it reopened around 12:30 p.m.
Toronto-bound traffic was diverted to exit at Cawthra and Fort Erie-bound traffic was diverted to Dixie.
North Service Road was also closed both ways from Insley Road to Stanfield, while South Service Road was shut down between Ogden Avenue and Applewood Road.