Home Hardware held layoffs Tuesday, won’t say how many people affected

Posted May 31, 2024 01:50:59 PM.
Last Updated May 31, 2024 01:56:43 PM.
Home Hardware announced this week that some of its employees will be looking for new jobs.
A round of layoffs happened on May 28 but no information has been provided about the number of people impacted.
In an email to CityNews Kitchener, a spokesperson for Home Hardware confirmed the layoffs were not at the store level.
The CEO and President of Home Hardware Stores Limited, Kevin Macnab, said it was a difficult day in a statement.
“As we implemented a necessary reduction in our workforce to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of our business in response to the constraints of the current economic landscape. As a privately held company, we are not disclosing the number of positions affected, however, Home Hardware Stores Limited conducted a careful, thoughtful, and comprehensive review to minimize the impact on our valued Team Members and Dealers.”
The company is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024. The company was founded in St. Jacobs, which is where the headquarters are located. Home Hardware has over 1,000 stores operating. It’s unclear how many stores had to lay people off.
The spokesperson for Home Hardware said they were not granting interviews at this time.
A release on the company’s website from May 14 shows the business was named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for the twelfth year in a row.
In the release, Home Hardware said it’s “a testament to the unwavering commitment and professionalism of team members across the country.”