Region of Waterloo to provide update on Ainslie Street construction in Cambridge

If you live in the area of Ainslie St. in Cambridge, the Region of Waterloo wants to hear from you.

Construction on Ainslie Street will be done from Water Street South to Concession Street for road reconstruction. Further construction will be done from Simcoe Street to Water Street North for underground and surface replacements, such as traffic lights, sanitary and sewer and sidewalks.

An in-person meeting is set for May 29 at Cambridge City Hall at 50 Dickson St. from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. It will provide updates on timelines, the next steps for the project and new cycling infrastructure from Concession Street to the GRT Ainslie Transit Terminal.

More information on the project can be found on the EngageWR website.

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