Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games continue in Waterloo Region

The 2024 Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games continue on Saturday, with closing ceremonies set to be held in the evening.

Over 750 athletes from across Ontario are expected to take part in the games taking part from May 23 to 26.

This year’s games are being hosted by the Region of Waterloo and Waterloo Regional Police Services. It is the first time the region has hosted the games, which were initially scheduled for 2020 but were cancelled and rescheduled due to the pandemic.

“You have all demonstrated remarkable skills, determination and passion for your sport,” said Regional Chair Karen Redman at Thursday’s opening ceremonies. “You are more than competitors, you are role models who will inspire others to dream big and pursue their goals.”

The games will feature five different sports; basketball, powerlifting, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, and 10-pin bowling. A full schedule of the games and where they will take place can be found here.

The closing ceremony will take place on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.

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