Boundaries for new elementary school in Kitchener need to be reviewed

Posted Apr 23, 2024 05:18:50 AM.
Last Updated Apr 23, 2024 10:01:44 AM.
A boundary review is needed for a new elementary school planned for south Kitchener. The school will be located at 670 Thomas Slee Drive, which is down the street from Groh Public School.
At a Waterloo Region District School Board meeting on Wednesday, school board trustees will vote on whether or not to start the boundary review process. The goal is to establish an attendance area boundary for the new school.
They are aiming to have the school open for students by September 2025.
“Regardless of the Board of Trustees decision, there will be no changes in the 2024-2025 school year,” staff in a WRDSB meeting that was shared on YouTube, said
The new elementary school will be near five other public schools that, according to the board, are all running past capacity levels.
“You may notice that enrollment pressure is forecasted at each school in the area. The calculated pupil place deficit (…) demonstrates sufficient enrollment to fill a new school.”
The five schools include Brigadoon Public School, Doon Public School, Groh Public School, JW Gerth Public School and Pioneer Park Public School.
On April 15 at a Committee of the Whole Meeting, Trustees got a report which recommended a boundary review process be approved that incorporates all of the above-mentioned schools.
The idea is to initiate the boundary review process this month with construction beginning this spring.
A public information session is planned for May 1 at Huron Heights Secondary School Cafetorium starting at 6:30 p.m. and running for about an hour. Anyone with questions is invited to drop in.