Over 4,200 secondary students still have outdated vaccination records

Posted Apr 17, 2024 01:48:34 PM.
Last Updated Apr 17, 2024 04:28:13 PM.
Region of Waterloo Public Health has issued a reminder to families of secondary school students that they have two weeks to go before suspensions are issued for outdated vaccination records.
Public health issued suspension orders April 8, where 6,819 students had outdated vaccination records under the Immunization of School Pupils Act.
As of Wednesday, 4,289 vaccination records are still outdated. Public health said the majority of secondary school students who have outdated vaccinations are missing the Meningococcal ACYW-135 vaccine and/or the teen booster of Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis.
“The vaccines required for secondary students prevent serious illnesses which can have life-changing consequences,” said Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, Medical Officer of Health in a news release. “We want to prevent suspension and, more importantly, ensure our high school students are protected against these diseases.”
Public health said that if your child has received the vaccines listed on the immunization notice to report them as soon as you can. They are asking to allow for three to five business days before inquiring about updated records.
If your child has received a notice and needs a vaccine, they are asking you to book an appointment with your primary health care provider or with public health.
Details on how to get those vaccination records up to date can be found here.
Suspension day for secondary students is May 1.