Waterloo Region prepares for solar eclipse 2024

The largest solar event Waterloo Region has seen in nearly a century is almost here.
From safety tips, to what local schools are doing, to the science behind it. Here’s all the details of what’s happening in Waterloo Region for solar eclipse 2024:
It’s been almost one hundred years since Waterloo Region saw a near total solar eclipse, back in 1925.
That’s according to Orbax, a production specialist for physics education content at the University of Guelph. He explains what will actually be going on during Monday’s eclipse.
“Our moon, is about four hundred times smaller than the sun is but, the sun is about 4 hundred times further away than the moon. So what that means is that the moon and the sun both appear to be about the same size in our sky. We live in this unique situation where the moon can actually pass in front of the sun and block our view of the sun and, that’s what we call a total solar eclipse.”
Orbax added that because of the large amount of water on Earth we’re often limited to the areas we can see the solar phenomenon – but they’re not uncommon.
“Solar eclipses themselves are actually fairly common. Everything lines up in the right way so that there’s a total eclipse every 18 months or so but, the issue is that the earth spins.”
In terms of schooling, the WRDSB announced last week the closure of all public schools Monday with students shifting to an asynchronous day of learning from home.
The WCDSB announced earlier this year schools would be moving a P.A. day from April 19 to Monday, April 8 to keep students at home during the eclipse.
For those looking to get a prime spot to view the eclipse, the OPP are out with safety reminders to not wear eclipse glasses while behind the wheel and not to not pull over and get out on the highway to take a photo.
In addition, officers are urging drivers to make sure their full lighting systems are on for the duration of the eclipse between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
When it comes to the weather conditions, a big question is if it will cooperate.
CityNews Meteorologist Jill Taylor notes visibility may be hindered by cloud coverage but, could clear up by Monday afternoon.
“It’s a rather cloudy start especially through the morning. We’re at about 90 per cent coverage in Waterloo Region and we may get some clearing just in time for the max totality of the eclipse.”
The eclipse is expected to begin in Waterloo Region at 2:03 p.m. reaching maximum totality around 3:18 p.m. and ending by 4:30 p.m.