Local mayors share reaction to Ontario budget

Posted Mar 27, 2024 06:31:03 AM.
Last Updated Mar 27, 2024 06:33:15 AM.
Ontario’s $214.5 billion spending budget is generating reaction from local mayors in Waterloo Region.
Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic and Waterloo Mayor Dorothy McCabe shared their thoughts on the budget.
Both mayors reacted positively to several items in the budget and felt that the province had listened to municipalities in crafting the budget.
“I’d say we were pleased with the approach that the province took with the budget,” said Vrbanovic. “They seemed to strike a balance in prioritizing Kitchener residents in challenges that they’re experiencing around affordability and so on, while also making key investments that we know are necessary for things like housing and infrastructure.”
McCabe said that funding going towards infrastructure will help with building new homes.
“The funding boost is to help with things like water and wastewater systems, parks and facilities, and roads,” she said. “Things that communities need when you’re adding more housing units to them.”
Both Vrbanovic and McCabe also explained that they hope to receive funding from the province’s new $200 million Community sport and infrastructure fund to help with upgrades and retrofits to local facilities.
“We have at least three of our recreation facilities in our budget that has passed, that we’ve indicated are in significant need of energy retrofits and upgrades,” McCabe said. Those facilities include the Albert McCormick Community Centre and the Moses Springer Community Centre.
Vrbanovic also said he was pleased with the province’s ongoing pledge to expand Highway 7 between Kitchener and Guelph.
“They continue to be committed to investing in and expanding Highway 7, which was referenced in the budget,” he said.
Although both mayors took a positive outlook on the budget, McCabe said there could be more done to help municipalities grapple with climate change, while Vrbanovic mentioned a need to continue investing in economic growth.
They both said they will continue to look at the details of the budget and will work with the province to best serve their respective communities.