Cambridge launches public survey on firework bylaw
Posted Feb 21, 2024 11:07:49 AM.
Last Updated Feb 21, 2024 11:07:53 AM.
Canada Day, Victoria Day and Diwali. Those are the only days you can light fireworks in Cambridge.
A public survey is now live on the Engage WR website with over 900 respondents so far.
The City of Cambridge wants to know how close the public feels fireworks should be set off next to structures, whether the city should change or add to the days they’re allowed and whether anyone would support a full ban of fireworks.
The feedback will help staff develop a recommendation to council to improve the bylaw. That recommendation is expected to come to council sometime this spring.
Manager of Municipal By-law Compliance John Mattocks is running the survey and he told CityNews 570 that Cambridge wants the public to be involved in the lawmaking process.
“We really want to get the feedback from our residents to ensure we can continue to have a safe, inclusive and enjoyable community for all residents,” said Mattocks. “We want [the public] to have a part in development of bylaws and this is their perfect opportunity to do so by providing the feedback that can shape how our community looks moving forward.”
Mattocks added that the survey takes five minutes, and if you’d like to learn more, you can attend one of three community engagement open houses.
The first one is tomorrow at the Hespeler Arena at 5:30 pm.
The survey closes March 15 just before midnight.