Still no opening date for Amazon warehouse in Blair

By CityNews Kitchener Staff

It’s been controversial from the start. A massive Amazon warehouse, that’s being built in Blair.

Construction has been ongoing on the new one-million-square-foot fulfillment centre on Old Mill Road.

Questions remain however, on when the facility will be operational and the answer is seemingly, still up in the air.

While it was initially expected to open sometime in 2025, a spokesperson for Amazon tells CityNews 570 no official opening date has been set yet.

The project has been embattled in controversy from the start, including a reversal from Cambridge city council on endorsing the developer’s application, and a minister’s zoning order.

It was also the focus of frequent protests by the community group Blair Engaged who tried to fight the reversal in court.

While Ontario’s Superior Court ruled the city breached its own procedural bylaw, Blair Engaged ultimately lost the legal battle.

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