Only 10 more days until Christmas, OPP issue reminders for shoppers
Posted Dec 15, 2023 03:36:14 PM.
Last Updated Dec 15, 2023 03:36:21 PM.
With only 10 more days to go until Christmas Day, OPP are issuing tips to keep your holiday gifts from ending up under someone else’s tree.
“We know that the malls and local stores are going to be busy and that is a good opportunity for those that want to swipe your stuff,” said Derek Rogers, the West Region OPP regional media relations coordinator.
Some tips for the holidays include keeping wallets and purses safely secured on you while shopping. Leaving them in a cart full of gifts, is a good way to be targeted by thieves.
“Carrying a large number of gifts makes you more vulnerable. Someone could very quickly knock you down and take your stuff. As your shopping it’s not a bad idea to head to your vehicle and put it in the trunk or cover it on the floor of your vehicle so its out of site,” said Rogers.
Another tip from the OPP is to never carry large amounts of currency or cash on you while shopping and to only use recognized banking machines to avoid thieves using card-skimming devices to target stand-alone units.
Also remember to protect your banking PIN from any prying eyes while your checking out at stores.
“When there are a larger amount of shoppers who are distracted, who are busy, who are dodging other shoppers, trying to get what they need for the holiday season, those individual are vulnerable and it doesn’t take long for somebody with ill intent to grab your stuff,” added Rogers.
Rogers says on occasion, OPP do see people leaving their keys in vehicles which is a big target for thieves.
The best tip the OPP has to avoid someone stealing Christmas presents from your vehicle is to always keep your car keys on you and in a safe place. Lock all car doors, roll up all windows and hide valuable in your car out of sight of windows. Park your vehicle in a well-lit area to decrease it being targeted.
“Their looking for the path of least resistance, something quick, something quick to grab, get in, get out and be on your way. It could be anywhere. It could be within stores. It could be in the parking lot. It could be in the street. It could be anywhere, if they see a vulnerability, they will look to exploit it.”
Rogers says taking the right precautions can ensure your Christmas presents get to whomever you planned to deliver them to.
“The OPP are hoping that everyone whose heading out to venture into local malls or stores does so in a safe way. We want everyone to enjoy their holiday season, we want everyone who’s receiving a gift to get it and certainly we want to thwart thieves by just taking a few extra steps,” added Rogers.