Region still has no commitment from Ford government to expand GO train service

Posted Nov 17, 2023 03:06:58 PM.
Last Updated Nov 17, 2023 03:07:02 PM.
The region is still waiting to see the expansion of GO train service between Kitchener and Toronto, a promise made by the Liberal government back in 2014.
The initial pledge was to deliver it by 2024.
Premier Doug Ford promised his government would support the project if elected back in 2018. Five years later, no plans or commitments to expand the transit service has been made.
It was the topic of debate at Queen’s Park Wednesday after a motion presented by the NDPs was voted down by the Ford government in a 66 to 30 vote. The NDP and NDP leader, Marit Stiles, are pushing for clear timelines and a firm funding commitment from the Ford government.
On Friday morning, Stiles was joined by MPP Catherine Fife and Debbie Chapman, the NDP candidate for Kitchener Centre.
“We will continue to push and get results for people here, including the transit that people here so desperately need,” said Stiles.
The region has long anticipated the expansion of the Kitchener GO line that would allow for two-way all-day service between the two cities.
“Were going to keep fighting them on these things and were going to keep asking for more accountability and integrity,” said Stiles.
Stiles added that the Ford government is leaving the people of Waterloo Region behind by not committing to expand the transit service.
“Expanded GO service is long overdue for the fast-growing Kitchener-Waterloo region,” said MPP Catherine Fife. “It’s what the community needs and have been advocating for.”
As of today, there is still no firm commitment or timeline from the Ford government of when the GO train service expansion between Kitchener and Toronto will take place.