Kitchener bridge access to be affected by new Highway 7 project

Posted Nov 8, 2023 08:59:11 AM.
Last Updated Nov 8, 2023 01:16:31 PM.
The Frederick Street bridge is expected to see a lengthy closure to help advance Ontario’s plans to build a new Highway 7 from Kitchener to Guelph.
The proposed 18-kilometre four-lane highway will be located just north of the existing Highway 7, and will connect Highway 85 at Wellington Street in Kitchener to the Hanlon Expressway at Woodlawn Road in Guelph.

The Highway 7 project was approved by the Minister of the Environment in March 2007, and several areas have been reconstructed in preparation for construction. The Frederick Street underpass would be latest area in need of work to push the project forward.
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recently completed a report outlining the work necessary at the bridge. It stated that the Frederick Street bridge “needs to be lengthened to permit the Edna Street ramp to Highway 7 and the Highway 7 ramp to Bruce Street to be repositioned to accommodate the widening of Highway 7.”
The width of Frederick Street will be similar to the existing bridge, and the street will be raised. This is to provide clearance for traffic on Highway 7.
The replacing of the bridge will also involve the underground relocation of Rogers cable utilities and the Region of Waterloo’s sanitary forcemain in nearby areas. While this is happening, Frederick Street will be closed to all traffic at the bridge. Highway 7 will also be closed for one weekend day while they demolish the bridge. Local access will be maintained for residents and businesses.
Construction is expected to last 14 months, but an estimated start date has not been made public.
You can read the full plans for the Frederick Street bridge here.