New research calls for a women’s-only shelter in Cambridge

By CityNews Kitchener staff

YWCA Cambridge has released new research examining women’s homelessness in Cambridge.

The 78-page report titled Women’s Homeless in Cambridge: Knowledge Sharing and Interventions said Cambridge is “a service desert” when it comes to supports in place to help women struggling with homelessness. The biggest recommendation is to create a women’s only shelter in Cambridge.

The study notes of the 500 emergency shelter beds provided in the region, only 78 of them are specifically for women – none of which are in Cambridge.

Rosalind Gunn, the Director of Communications and Advocacy at YWCA Cambridge, said women’s homelessness in Cambridge is at a “crisis” level and that it tends to be more hidden.

“The problem is a lot of our policymakers do not really understand how it differs from men’s homelessness,” said Gunn. “A lot of women are not appearing in our systems because they are hiding for lots of reasons.”

The Women’s National Housing and Homeless Network (WNHHN) estimates that 5,089 women in Cambridge are currently or have experienced hidden homelessness.

YWCA Cambridge has proposed a 20-bed shelter but has yet to have a location. Gunn said there are 45 beds in Cambridge for violence against women, but that is a specific mandate that does not respond to homelessness.

“This women’s shelter will signal a recognition of the fact that women’s homelessness is a crisis and now is the time to start adequately responding to it.”

Members of YWCA Cambridge will present their proposal to regional council on Nov. 7.

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