City of Waterloo offers free lifeguard certification to address shortage

Posted Oct 20, 2023 11:22:39 AM.
Last Updated Oct 24, 2023 07:21:33 AM.
The City of Waterloo is offering free training to become a lifeguard for those 18 years or older.
The 15-week program is designed to fast track candidates over six certifications. The goal of the program is to address the shortage of lifeguards in the city.
Certifications offered in the program includes:
- Bronze Medallion/Emergency First Aid and CPR B
- Bronze Cross/Standard First Aid and CPR C/National Lifeguard
- Life Saving Society Instructors and Swim Instructors
Gus Siountres, the Manger of Aquatic Services for the City of Waterloo, said there was a shortage of staff left over from the pandemic and this program helps fill this need.
“This is definitely a creative way of getting adult potential staff in the future,” said Siountres. He noted there has been a significant amount of staff added this fall following the age requirement lowering to 15 and an increase in pay.
The fall’s program is already under way, with nine participants aged 20 to 70. The program’s end date is December 21 and successful candidates could be interviewed for part time jobs with the city.
The program is expected to start up again in the spring.