Multi-tower apartment complex proposed for Laurel and Dolph Streets in Preston
Posted Jul 19, 2023 08:08:39 AM.
Last Updated Jul 19, 2023 11:15:25 AM.
A multi-tower apartment complex is being proposed along Laurel and Dolph Streets in the Preston area of Cambridge.
According to the planning documents the site will consist of three new buildings. Two towers fronting 777 Laurel Street and a large multi-tower building attached via a shared podium fronting Dolph Street.
The site will include 1,046 one and two bedroom apartment units and six towers ranging between seven and 14 storeys tall.
The location currently contains an industrial complex with multiple businesses that would have to be relocated or torn down if the proposal is approved.
Ophelia, a resident living nearby the proposed site, spoke with CityNews 570 and said she has mixed feelings on the proposal.
“I wouldn’t want a skyscraper here but, I think there should be more affordable housing,” she said.
She added, that she would like to see the apartments built elsewhere so workers operating businesses on site can retain their jobs.
“Frankly I don’t think they should be getting rid of it. I think it should stay as it is. Admittedly it’s a little run down but, people need jobs,” she continued.
In terms of parking, developers are seeking amendments to the zoning bylaw looking to have nine parking spaces and one visitor space for every 10 units.
This is in contrast to the normal zoning requirement which asks for developers to have one space for every unit and one visitor space for every four units.
The availability of transit options is cited as a justification for the change. It’s also suggested by the developer that the lower number of spaces will improve affordability, as those without cars will not have to pay for parking spaces they won’t need.
Those looking to provide their thoughts on the proposal can do so during a public meeting at Cambridge City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 6:30 p.m. by registering here.
There’s a proposal to tear down two industrial properties in Cambridge, at 777 Laurel and 308 Dolph, next door, and put up a housing project with multiple towers, as tall as 14 storeys, and over 1,000 apartments. Details this morning on @CityNewsKIT and
— Mark Douglas (@DouglasCityNews) July 19, 2023