More accountability needed from federal government on expanded GO Train service: MP Morrice

Posted Jul 18, 2023 04:29:49 PM.
Last Updated Jul 19, 2023 01:53:21 PM.
Another politician is jumping on the train trying to put more pressure on the provincial and federal governments for a more clear cut timeline on expanded GO Train service between the region and Toronto.
This comes after Regional Chair Karen Redman wrote an open letter to the provincial government about the need for it, as well as a petition started from Waterloo MPP Catherine Fife.
Morrice said in an interview with CityNews Kitchener Tuesday afternoon that all levels of government have a responsibility to getting this project completed. The federal government committed $752 million in funding for the project.
“In particular, what I’m calling for is more accountability. We’ve been cheering on about getting two-way, all-day GO for about a decade now,” he said. “The federal government has contributed financially in a significant way. 40 per cent of the project funds have come from the federal government. My call is to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities to put pressure on the province to give us a timeline. We’ve committed the funds, and as a result, let’s get an update on what’s been completed, where is progress at and I think it’s pretty reasonable to give our community a specific timeline for completion for two-way, all-day GO.”
Morrice said he recently saw a post on Reddit where a user showed a photo of more people being left behind on crowded buses.
“These are people who are trying to do the right thing, their shifting modes [of transportation], they are recognizing we are in a climate crisis and are wanting to take a lower carbon option. We have to make affordable rapid transit the easiest way for people to get around. There is a level of frustration that is boiling over for a lot of people who are stuck on these over-crowded buses, who are stuck waiting. At the very least, why aren’t you sending another bus?”
Morrice said all levels of government should be involved in this important conversation.
“I don’t think any level of government should be absent from this really important conversation,” said Morrice. “My advocacy is to the federal minister responsible with respect for providing that accountability for funds spent. I think the last piece of it that years later, it’s not done yet. We’ve had different parties, provincially in power who have made different commitments and I think calling on a timeline is a pretty reasonable measure when this amount of money has been committed already when folks have been waiting this long and the service today is as bad as it is.”
He adds elected leaders should use the influence they have to push for a resolution for the people they are elected to serve.
“I was really encouraged to see Chair Redman come out with her letter a few weeks ago, seeing MPP Fife with her petition as well. My hope is to be contributing to that in a constructive way to call on the federal minister to get the accountability that our community deserves on a significant federal investment for the provincial government to follow through. With all levels of government working together, there’s a better chance we get a resolution far quicker than we otherwise would.”
Metrolinx has said that expanded service could be in place by 2025 but a more clear cut timeline is what Morrice is looking for.
Morrice added that a meeting is being planned with Minister Dominic Leblanc to further discuss the issue.