Group of Kitchener tenants challenging renoviction

Posted Jun 27, 2023 02:00:25 PM.
Last Updated Jun 27, 2023 02:01:58 PM.
A group of resident tenants in Kitchener are pushing back against their landlord in an attempted “renoviction.”
Maribel Jagorin has lived on Traynor Ave. in Kitchener for almost 12 years. After the building was sold two years ago, she said there were several attempts to have her and other tenants pushed out of their apartments. She told The Mike Farwell Show on Tuesday that the last two years have been challenging because she cannot afford to live anywhere else.
“We’re just in a trap right now [because] we’re in a housing crisis right now,” said Jagorin. “We have no where else to go and we just have to fight for our affordable housing.”
Jagorin and her fellow tenants were served an N-13 form in January from their landlord. This informs a tenant that renovations have been planned and the tenants must leave. They were given until May 31 to vacate the property.
Since then, the tenants at Traynor Ave have hired a paralegal to challenge the form at the Landlord Tenant Board and have been able to stay in the apartment.
The challenge against the landlord, Mike Beer Investments, is questioning whether residents need to leave in order for the renovations to take place. They are expected to meet with the board with another group who is also challenging their evictions against the same landlord.
Jagorin alleges there has been a neglect of maintenance care, repair and overcharging changes in the lease, including parking fees.
“It leads you to a point where you are powerless,” said Jagorin. “It’s a hard situation.”
Kitchener Ward 3 Councillor Jason Deneault has met with the group several times and is hoping this will set an example of landlords and owners who attempt to evict their tenants for renovations.
“This is just an example of when people stand together, they can bring about change,” said Deneault.