WCDSB says education support staff strike would lead to school closures

As the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Ontario government appear to reach a stalemate over contract talks, a strike by 55,000 education support staff could be imminent. 

CUPE has said its members will take part in a province-wide protest on Friday, when a strike is set to start. However, the Ford government has tabled legislation to try and avert a strike. 

If a strike occurs, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board said it would not be possible to safely open and operate local Catholic schools. It comes as more than 1,200 staff members with the WCDSB are represented by CUPE. 


In the event of a strike, remote learning would be implemented and devices would be provided to students prior to any school closure. 

The Waterloo Region District School Board said public schools would not be affected as it doesn't have any employees that are represented by CUPE.