North Dumfries seeking public consultation on new fireworks bylaw

By Divya Gill

Suppose you are the one that likes the art of displaying fireworks in North Dumfries. The township is now working on a new proposed fireworks bylaw that would allow the community to display fireworks on Victoria Day and Canada Day.

The proposed bylaw comes after the township received several complaints from the public regarding the use of fireworks in the municipality.

The township is not entirely stopping the use of fireworks. However, a permit is required for those wanting to display fireworks on any other day.

“There would be some regulations in the permit process, and there would have to be a fire supervisor under that proposed section. It is not limiting any specific group. Anyone can apply for this at any point of the year for any festivity, but it would be regulated by that new process and therefore making it safe also,” said Robert Shantz, fire chief for the township.

Sales of fireworks is also being discussed. Shantz said sales would be restricted to 10 days before the Victoria Day and Canada Day holiday. 

Ontario's weather system is also unpredictable, especially around the long weekend. Should inclement weather happen on the two proposed dates, a firework display will be allowed one day before or after the holiday.  

Shantz said, there is a penalty for those who don't follow the rules of the bylaw.

“The proposed fine schedule of $500. We want to discourage the people from setting off fireworks, not on the prescribed days. We understand that something like this is new, and there will be an education period. We know that the messages will not get to everyone right away, but we do want people to be aware of it.”

The public consultation in still underway and the proposed bylaw and a report to council will be shared on Monday where further direction will be provided.

Shantz said the hope is to have the bylaw will be in place by some form by July 1.

For the bylaw public consultation click here.

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