Humane Society setting up emergency pet food banks

By CityNews Kitchener Staff

The Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth (KWSPHS) is now working to provide community support through the launch of Emergency Pet Food Banks in both Waterloo Region and Perth County. With each set to launch on Thursday April 16th, the food banks aim to provide pet owners with temporary relief in the form of pet food, small animal bedding, and cat litter.

“As an animal welfare organization we are here to support both people and pets in our communities, and we want to ensure that they can remain together even in the face of a crisis,” stated Kathrin Delutis, executive director, The Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth Humane Society. “We had already formed a wonderful partnership with the KW Pet Food Bank earlier this year, and really this is just an extension of that. With the demand likely to increase, we are happy to partner with other organizations and lend a helping hand.”

The Emergency Pet Food Bank for Waterloo Region is an initiative under the Waterloo Region Pandemic Planning committee. The food bank committee includes representatives from KWSPHS, the Cambridge & District Humane Society, and the KW Pet Food Bank. The committee is set to open the temporary pet food bank location at 55 Franklin Street South, Kitchener, on Thursday April 16th. Orders will be taken starting Tuesday April 14th. Members of the public seeking assistance with food and pet supplies are asked to call 226-220-7885 to place their order. (An email address will be provided shortly on KWSPHS’ website.) Food will be packaged and pick-up instructions will be provided over the phone at that time.

The Emergency Pet Food Bank is hoping to have enough supplies on hand to give a pet owner anywhere from two weeks to one-month supply at a time, but this will depend on demand and donations.

The Emergency Pet Food Bank for Perth County is an initiative put together by KWSPHS’ Stratford location – the Stratford Perth Humane Society (SPHS). The Emergency Pet Food Bank will be housed in SPHS’ education room at 125 Griffith Road, Stratford. Orders will be taken starting Thursday April 9th, with pick-ups beginning Thursday April 16th. Members of the public seeking assistance with food and supplies are asked to place an order by calling 519-273-6600 ext 258 or
emailing and state “FOOD BANK REQUEST” in the subject line. Food will be packaged and pick-up instructions will be provided over the phone/via email at that time. SPHS also hopes to provide at least two weeks of supplies at a time, but this will depend on the volume of donations.

Both food banks are desperate for donations of pet food (cat, dog and small animal) and cat litter. They are also looking for small animal bedding. If members of the public are able to donate at this time, the drop locations are the following:

To donate items to the Waterloo Region Emergency Pet Food Bank:
Kitchener Waterloo Humane Society (brown bin at main entrance)
Cambridge & District Humane Society
KW Pet Food Bank
Waterloo Region Food Bank

To donate items to the Perth County Emergency Pet Food Bank:
Stratford Perth Humane Society (donation bin at main entrance)

KWSPHS is also accepting monetary donations through their website at When making the donation, please just indicate that the donation is for your community’s Emergency Pet Food Bank. Funds will then be used to purchase food and supplies.

For more information on the Emergency Pet Food Banks in your community, visit under the services tab.


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