Info. session set for March to discuss Laurel Creek, Silver Lake and Waterloo Park rehabilitation

By CityNews Kitchener Staff


The City of Waterloo is undertaking the detailed design phase of the recommended alternatives presented through a recently completed Class Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Assessment recommended improvements to Laurel Creek upstream of Silver Lake and improvements to Silver Lake. A portion of Waterloo Park is also being reconstructed as part of the overall project. 

Channel improvements along Laurel Creek from the LRT tracks to University Avenue will be done to improve fish habitat, terrestrial ecology, the vegetative community and to reduce erosion. Silver Lake improvements will include removal of the accumulated sediment, reconfiguration of the shoreline and construction of a sediment forebay to manage future sedimentation issues. Waterloo Park improvements will include new walkways, lighting, amenities, features of interest and improved pedestrian circulation.

The city is carrying out the detailed design of the area in accordance with Phase 5 of Schedule ‘B’ of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, process in compliance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Meeting Details

Public consultation is an important element in this project. The project team invites the public to view the concepts being presented as part of the detailed design of the project. A public information centre will be held at the following time and location:

Date: March 6, 2019
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, Room 202
101 Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo, ON

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