UW skin cancer research team motivated by the impossible


Say goodbye to biopsies detecting skin cancer – thanks to a research team at the University of Waterloo.

“We’ve recently built a state of the art deep skin, scanning instrument. That is powered by artificial intelligence,” says Professor Alex Wong.

Wong adds that personalized medicine powered by A.I and medical imagining really can help a lot of people and help save lives.

In a video posted on UW’s Twitter account, Wong explains the technology, which will allow medical professionals to see well below the skin, and get the molecular make up of the skin.

“It is only the beginning of what potential personalized medicine, medical imaging, and what A.I can offer in the medical profession,” Wong adds.

He and his students founded Euclid Labs, which has been named one of Canada’s top 20 innovative companies by Canadian Information Exchange.

“You should be doing something that you really enjoy, that you are fascinated [with] and when you wake up, you actually want to do it.”

Wong is proud of the technology and says his students are the key individuals who took the idea and made it into reality.

He adds, “when I see things I didn’t think was possible actually become a reality – it motivates me as well as the students to pretty much do the same. Building something that we don’t think is posible, and just make it a reality.”

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