We don’t have a proper stadium, but hopes for new regional soccer club still high: CPL

By cceolin

Hopes remain high for a new professional soccer team in Waterloo Region, although a big piece of the puzzle is still missing.

The Canadian Premier League says the lack of a proper venue is hurting a bid by the region’s soccer fans for a club of their own — but it’s not over yet.

According to Canadian Premier League President Paul Beirne, our community would need a facility capable of seating between 8,000-12,000 people, and “expandable.”

Wilfrid Laurier’s University Stadium comes close, featuring a capacity of 6,500 seats.

Beirne says there are still hopes a new stadium can be built.

“Any conversations that are going on are confidential, so there may or may not be conversations going on,” he says.

And Beirne stresses the region still has a chance at owning a franchise.

“The fan support and the potential for corporate support all of those pieces are in place, and in fact I would say the Waterloo Region over indexes in that regard,” says Beirne. “I just can’t underscore enough the amount of enthusiasm we have for the community … We’re very eager to accelerate the process in the Waterloo Region.”

A spokesperson with the city of Waterloo tells 570 NEWS the city is currently not in talks with CPL, and there are no plans to build a new stadium at this time.

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