Focus on Friends celebrates two local women

Two women will be honoured at the annual Focus on Friends event in Kitchener.  The non-profit group helps immigrant women adjust to life in Canada by assisting with life skills and job applications.
This years dinner and silent auction is celebrating the work of women in the science and technology industries.
One of the women being honoured is software distribution assistant Chandrika Anjaria, originally from India.  Focus for Ethnic Women’s Olga George-Cosh says Anjaria has volunteered thirty years of her time to Waterloo Region with groups like United Way and the Waterloo Region Arts Council.
The group is also honouring Sonal Pandya for her volunteer work at the English Language School and with the Art of Living Organization. Pandya also works in microbiology
Tonight’s gala will be held at Golf’s Steak House in Kitchener beginning at 5:30 p.m.