Humane Society asking homeowners to watch for wildlife before yard clean-up

With warmer temperatures this week, some home or property owners may want to get a jump on outdoor spring cleaning, but animal experts are warning people to keep an eye out for wildlife.

The Cambridge and District Humane Society (CDHS) took to social media to go over the dos and don’ts when it comes to interacting with wildlife in the spring.

First and foremost, it says people should keep their distance.


If people come across a nest or a den with young ones in them, leave it alone. Mothers will often leave their young while out looking for food. Disturbing the young could lead to the mother abandoning them, and there is a good chance the parent is nearby, hiding.

Pet owners should keep their pets away from the area to avoid further stress to the wildlife.

CDHS said if people happen across an injured animal, that’s a different story. They should check to see if the animal is bleeding or appears weak. In that case, they should contact a wildlife rehabilitator or animal services.

Never try to move an injured animal unless it is in immediate danger, like being on the road. In that case, use gloves or a towel to move the critter, the organization notes.


If people are unsure, reach out for assistance and guidance to ensure the animal receives the care to give the best chance of survival.