All options on the table for affordable housing in Guelph

Guelph city staff have presented a report to council that identified potential sites that could be used for affordable housing developments.

The report was commissioned by Mayor Cam Guthrie in February, by way of a strong mayor order and focused on any city-owned land, asset or building.

It identified nearly 50 sites, including the Sleeman Centre, River Run Centre and Market Square; but that doesn’t mean those sites are suitable.


The report is simply an inventory of potential sites. There would need to be extensive surveys and investigations before anything would be built. In the end, those sites might not be suitable.

Council would have to determine an asset to be surplus before it could be redeveloped.

Guthrie told The Mike Farwell Show this all part of a broader push to get the homes built the community desperately needs.

“It’s kind of two pushes. One from me personally and one from the federal government through that agreement with the Housing Accelerator Fund. That’s why we’re trying to put some urgency on this to get shovels in the ground and get real affordable housing built as fast as possible.”

In February the city agreed to conditions set out through the Housing Accelerator Fund.


Guthrie went on to say although this project is just getting underway and it is already showing some results.

“Just yesterday (Oct. 8), city council actually approved our first site we deemed not to be needed within that portfolio of assets and land that we have. And, we are now putting it up for grabs to try to partner with a non-profit or charitable organization to do an affordable housing demonstration project.”