City of Kitchener working in collaboration with Reep Green Solutions to add tree canopy

They say that “the grass is always greener on the other side,” and the City of Kitchener is looking to add some green trees to the city.

According to a report from the City of Kitchener on Thursday, they’re teaming up with Reep Green Solutions to launch an annual tree planting program.

The Community Canopy program was piloted this year. The City of Kitchener said it has so far been a success.


The program’s aim is to increase the tree canopy in Kitchener neighbourhoods focusing on specific areas that have lower tree cover by planting them where they’re needed by residents the most.

The City has set a goal of 30 per cent canopy coverage in each ward by 2050, but there are goals looking even further into the future as well.

“For 2070, we’re hoping to reach 33 per cent across the city as a whole,” said Hajnal Kovacs, Forestry Project Manager, City of Kitchener, while on 570 New Radio earlier this week. “We’re doing our best to help balance a growing community with all the benefits of having a treed area.”

In celebration of the launch of the annual Community Canopy program and the success of its pilot year, the City of Kitchener and Reep are inviting the community to celebrate with them on Oct 10 from 3 to 5p.m. at Laurentian Park.


The City of Kitchener says this event will offer free refreshments, crafts and games, and an opportunity to learn more about the impact of the new program.